
Journal Papers

S. Abadal, C. Han, V. Petrov, L. Galluccio, I. F. Akyildiz, J. M. Jornet, “Electromagnetic Nanonetworks Beyond 6G: From Wearable and Implantable Networks to On-chip and Quantum Communication,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 42 , no. 8, 2024. [PDF]

P. Escofet, A. Ovide, M. Bandic, L. Prielinger, H. Van Someren, S. Feld, E. Alarcón, S. Abadal, C. G. Almudéver, “Revisiting the Mapping of Quantum Circuits: Entering the Multi-Core Era,” ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing, 2024. [PDF]

F. Rodríguez-Galán, A. Bandara, E. Pereira de Santana, P. Haring Bolívar, E. Alarcón and S. Abadal, “Time Reversal for Near-Field Communications on Multi-chip Wireless Networks,” IEEE Communications Magazine, 2024. [PDF]

M. Bandic, P. le Henaff, A. Ovide, P. Escofet, S. Ben Rached, S. Rodrigo, H. van Someren, S. Abadal, E. Alarcón, C. G. Almudever, S. Feld, “Profiling quantum circuits for their efficient execution on single- and multi-core architectures,” Quantum Science and Technology, 2024. [PDF]

S. Abadal, R. Guirado, H. Taghvaee, A. Jain, E. Pereira de Santana, P. Haring Bolívar, M. Saeed, R. Negra, Z. Wang, K-T. Wang, M. C. Lemme, J. Klein, M. Zapater, A. Levisse, D. Atienza, D. Rossi, F. Conti, M. Dazzi, G. Karunaratne, I. Boybat and A. Sebastian “Graphene-based Wireless Agile Interconnects for Massive Heterogeneous Multi-chip Processors,” IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 162-169, 2023. [PDF]

R. Guirado, A. Rahimi, G. Karunaratne, E. Alarcón, A. Sebastian and S. Abadal, "WHYPE: A Scale-Out Architecture with Wireless Over-the-Air Majority for Scalable In-memory Hyperdimensional Computing," IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, vol. 13, no. 1, 137-149, 2023. [PDF]

P. Escofet, A. Ovide, C. G. Almudever, E. Alarcón and S. Abadal, “Hungarian Qubit Assignment for Optimized Mapping of Quantum Circuits on Multi-Core Architectures,” IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, 2023. [PDF]

Conference Papers

J. Khan, S. Navarro-Reyes, S. Ben Rached, E. Alarcón, C. G. Almudever, and S. Abadal, “Waveguide QED Analysis of Quantum-Coherent Links for Modular Quantum Computing,” Proceedings of the ISCAS’25, May 2025. [PDF]

P. Escofet, A. Semenov, N. Murphy, E. Blokhina, S. Abadal, E. Alarcón, and C. G. Almudéver, “Compilation Techniques for Spin Qubits in a Shuttling Bus Architecture,” Proceedings of the ISCAS’25, May 2025. [PDF]

M. Musavi, E. Irabor, A. Das, E. Alarcón, S. Abadal, “Communication Characterization of AI Workloads for Large-scale Multi-chiplet Accelerators,” Proceedings of the ISCAS’25, May 2025. [PDF]

P. Puigdemont, E. Russo, A. Wassington, A. Das, S. Abadal, M. Palesi, “A Data-Driven Approach to Dataflow-Aware Online Scheduling for Graph Neural Network Inference,” Proceedings of the ASP-DAC’25, January 2025. [PDF]

E. Irabor, M. Musavi, A. Das, S. Abadal “Exploring the Potential of Wireless-Enabled Multi-Chip AI Accelerators,” Proceedings of the AccML Workshop (HiPEAC) 2025, Barcelona, Spain, January 2025. [PDF]

A. Bandara, A. Das, F. Rodríguez-Galán, E. Alarcon, S. Abadal, “A MAC Protocol on Collective Communications with Time Reversal for Wireless Networks within Computing Systems,” Proceedings of the ACM NANOCOM ’24, Milan, Italy, October 2024. [PDF]

P. Escofet, A. Gonzalvo, E. Alarcón, C. G. Almudéver and S. Abadal, “Route-Forcing: Scalable Quantum Circuit Mapping for Scalable Quantum Computing Architectures”, Proceedings of the IEEE QCE ’24, Québec, Canada, September 2024. [PDF]

S. Ben Rached, S. Navarro-Reyes, J. Khan, C. G. Almudéver, E. Alarcón and S. Abadal, “Benchmarking Emerging Cavity-Mediated Quantum Interconnect Technologies for Modular Quantum Computers”, Proceedings of the IEEE QCE ’24, Québec, Canada, September 2024. [PDF]

A. Pastor, P. Escofet, S. Ben Rached, E. Alarcón, P. Barlet-Ros, S. Abadal, “Circuit Partitioning for Multi-Core Quantum Architectures with Deep Reinforcement Learning,” Proceedings of the ISCAS ‘24, Singapore, May 2024. [PDF]

S. Ben Rached, C. G. Almudéver, E. Alarcón, S. Abadal, “Spatio-Temporal Characterization of Qubit Routing in Connectivity-Constrained Quantum Processors,” Proceedings of the ISCAS ‘24, Singapore, May 2024. [PDF]

H. Prodhomme, M. F. Imani, S. Abadal and P. del Hougne, “RIS-Based Over-The-Air Channel Equalization in Resource-Constrained Wireless Networks,” Proceedings of the EuCAP ‘24, Glasgow, Scotland, March 2024. [PDF] 

F. Rodríguez-Galán, A. Bandara, E. Pereira de Santana, P. Haring Bolívar, E. Alarcón, S. Abadal, “Collective Communication Patterns using Time-Reversal Terahertz Links at the Chip Scale,” Proceedings of the IEEE GLOBECOM ‘23, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 2023. [PDF]

P. Escofet, S. Ben Rached, S. Rodrigo, C. G. Almudever, E. Alarcón and S. Abadal, “Interconnect Fabrics for Multi-Core Quantum Processors: A Context Analysis,” Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM NoCArc ‘23, Toronto, Canada, October 2023. [PDF]

A. Bandara, F. Rodríguez-Galán, E. Pereira de Santana, P. Haring Bolívar, E. Alarcón, S. Abadal, “Exploration of Time Reversal for Wireless Communications within Computing Packages,” Proceedings of the ACM NANOCOM’23, Coventry, UK, September 2023. [PDF]

M. Bandic, L. Prielinger, J. Nußlein, A. Ovide, S. Rodrigo, S. Abadal, H. van Someren, G. Vardoyan, E. Alarcón, C. G. Almudever and S. Feld, "Mapping Quantum Circuits to Modular Architectures with QUBO", Proceedings of the IEEE QCE '23, Bellevue, USA, September 2023. [PDF]

B. Ollé, P. Talarn, A. Cabellos-Aparicio, F. Lemic, E. Alarcón, and S. Abadal, “Multi-Channel Medium Access Control Protocols for Wireless Networks Within Computing Packages”, Proceedings of the IEEE ISCAS 2023, Monterey, USA, May 2023. [PDF]

E. Alarcón, S. Abadal, F. Sebastiano, M. Babaie, E. Charbon, P. Haring Bolívar, M. Palesi, E. Blokhina, D. Leipold, B. Staszewski, A. Garcia, and C. G. Almudever, “Scalable multi-Chip Quantum Architectures Enabled by Cryogenic Hybrid wireless/quantum-Coherent network-in-Package”, Proceedings of the IEEE ISCAS 2023, Monterey, USA, May 2023. [PDF] 

A. Ovide, S. Rodrigo, M. Bandic, H. Van Someren, S. Feld, S. Abadal, E. Alarcón, and C. Almudéver, “Mapping Quantum Algorithms to multi-Core Quantum Computing Architectures”, Proceedings of the IEEE ISCAS 2023, Monterey, USA, May 2023. [PDF]


A. Bandara, F. Rodríguez-Galán, P. Talarn, E. Pereira de Santana, P. Haring Bolívar, E. Alarcón and S. Abadal, “Towards Scalable Multi-Chip Wireless Networks with Near-Field Time Reversal,” arxiv:2404.17325, 2024. [PDF]

M. Shahmoradi, K. K. Tokgoz, E. Alarcón, S. Abadal, “Power Modeling in mm-Wave and Terahertz CMOS Transmitters for Wireless Network-on-Chip,” arxiv:2410.23378, 2024. [PDF]

M. Musavi, E. Irabor, A. Das, E. Alarcón, S. Abadal, “Communication Characterization of AI Workloads for Large-scale Multi-chiplet Accelerators,” arxiv:2410.22262, 2024. [PDF]

S. Ben Rached, I. López Agudo, S. Rodrigo, M. Bandic, S. Feld, H. Van Someren, E. Alarcón, C. G. Almudéver and S. Abadal, “Characterizing the Inter-Core Qubit Traffic in Large-Scale Quantum Modular Architectures,” arxiv:2310.01921, 2023. [PDF]

Related Publications

(these are publications that are not formally part of WINC, but whose contents are very much relevant to the project)

R. Medina, J. Klein, G. Ansaloni, M. Zapater, S. Abadal, E. Alarcón, and D. Atienza, “System-Level Exploration of In-Package Wireless Communication for Multi-Chiplet Platforms”, Proceedings of the ASP-DAC 2023, Tokyo, Japan, January 2023. [PDF] 

F. Rodríguez-Galán, E. Pereira de Santana, P. Haring Bolívar, S. Abadal, E. Alarcón, “Towards Spatial Multiplexing in Wireless Networks within Computing Packages,” Proceedings of the ACM NANOCOM’22, Barcelona, Spain, October 2022. [PDF] 

S. Rodrigo, D. Spanò, M. Bandic, S. Abadal, H. van Someren, A. Ovide, S. Feld, C. G. Almudever, E. Alarcón, “Characterizing the Spatio-Temporal Qubit Traffic of a Quantum Intranet aiming at Modular Quantum Computer Architectures,” Proceedings of the ACM NANOCOM’22, Barcelona, Spain, October 2022. [PDF] 

M. Imani, S. Abadal, P. Del Hougne, “Metasurface-Programmable Wireless Network-on-Chip”, Advanced Science, vol. 9, no. 26, p. 2201458, 2022. [PDF]